Saturday 30 January 2016

What's the best way to learn how to become a successful online entrepreneur?

1.The first and foremost requirement to be a successful online entrepreneur is to have a very strong presence online the World Wide Web. That requires us to have a Website/Domain on the Internet to promote our business online. 
2. In addition to a Website, we need to have few blogs pertaining to adverisements of SFI, TripleClicks item, Eager Zebra Games, ECA Store etc. We need to advertise out gateways on social media like Facebook, Twitter, Linkein, MySpace etc. 
3. To become a good and successful online entrepreneur, one must educate oneself by studying not only instructions and training articles given in SFI but also by reading various e-books and other articles concerning online business. 
4. We need to take part in various Forums and read business related books and articles by famous Internet Business Entrepreneurs like George Little, Brian Tracy, Jeff Taylor, Tim Seidler, Dom Wells, Steve Rendell, Stuart Walker, Tung Tran, Alistair Gill and Melanie Duncan. By following these famous Internet Business personalities, we can to some extent become successful online entrepreneurs. 
5. Additionally, we need to have very good communication skill as we know that "Communication is Huge" and is necessary for all team leaders to convey oneself and in order to market one's product successfully online/offline. 
There’s a term in business called “T-Shaped” skills. It means to be an expert 
in a single field, while having a broad knowledge of several other disciplines. 
What skills do you need to be successful online entrepreneur? 
To begin, you need only a solid work ethic and persistence. 
Over time, if you want to succeed, you will need to develop some skills: 
1. Problem-Solving & Decision-Making Skills 
Affiliate marketing means you’re constantly solving problems. 
You’re going to face issues and problems that no one else can help you with. 
Decision-making is just as important. Most people rely on their gut feelings 
to make decisions. Learn strategies to make better decisions. Consult with experts, 
consider all the options, and make rational decisions instead of impulsive ones. 
2. Creativity & Marketing Skills 
Being a good marketer is necessary in this business. 
First-mover advantage is huge in the affiliate marketing space, 
and in order to capitalize on it, you have to be creative. 
You also have to learn how to write compelling ads & good landing page copy. 
Our business is to sell and to make people take action. 
Your potential customer is surfing Facebook just for fun, so you have to be 
mighty convincing if you want him to pull out his credit card and pay $50 
for your product. To improve your marketing you should start by 
understanding the psychology behind what makes humans buy. 
What are their motivations? What words trigger them to buy? 
Study copywriting and observe other marketers. 
3. Technical Skills 
Being an affiliate marketer require some basic technical knowledge. 
You need to learn how to build landing pages, set up your tracker, 
and deal with various issues that come up. 
This is the minimum of technical knowledge you will need. 
4. People Skills 
Developing social and communication skills is a big help. 
Good relationships can credit you with a lot of success. 
Some affiliates can be your eyes and ears for what’s really hot. 
Mastermind and create joint ventures with others. 
Some of the aspects of affiliate marketing is hard to figure out if you don't 
communicate with others. Have people at traffic sources who'll give you 
information that no one else has. 
Treat others the way you want to be treated. Don’t let your ego get in the way 
of forming genuine connections just because you’re doing well. 
5. Data Analysis Skills 
Affiliate marketing is all about buying traffic. Those clicks tell a story. 
The conversions show you the types of people who like your product. 
Does a certain ad convert better? Are you profitable only during certain 
times of the day? These are the clues you use to optimize your campaign. 
Nowadays we have so many tools to help us. 
Make decisions based on data, not emotions. 
6. Money Management Skills 
Managing your money is essential in affiliate marketing because your cash flow 
is the lifeblood of your campaigns. Start by being realistic about how much 
you make. Making few thousand Dollars in profit is one thing, but it’s much less 
when you account for business expenses, shipping costs, taxes 
and future failed campaigns. 
Watch your bank accounts like a hawk. Make sure you cancel services you’re 
not using. If you have money deposited at traffic sources you’re not using 
anymore, ask them for a refund. Live below your means. You are probably 
tired of hearing this, but the reason why it’s repeated all the time is because 
it’s true. Too many people disappear from the industry because they were 
living a lifestyle they couldn’t afford. Use your money to make more money. 
7. Productivity Skills 
We are all obsessed with productivity. We all have the same 24 hours in a day 
but some people get much more out of them than others do. 
Some affiliate marketers are realizing only 10% of their potential because 
they can’t get motivated or focused. If that sound like you, then this is a skill 
you have to improve. 
8. Leadership Skills 
Sooner or later, you’ll realize that you need to start building a team. 
It’s not easy, and it’s a skill you have to develop. You have to delegate tasks, 
train your working affiliates, keep them motivated, and deal with whatever 
issues they have. 
If those seems like too many skills to learn, the good news is that you don’t have 
to be an expert in all of them to succeed. Some are less important than others, 
and some can be outsourced. 
If you’re a beginner, it’s important not to be overconfident just because 
you have pre-existing skills. It is an advantage but just because you have 
those skills doesn’t mean you’re going to make a lot of money. 
There are other important skills you have to develop to ensure your success. 
No one is born knowing how to be an affiliate marketer. If you are missing 
some key skills listed above, then develop an action plan to improve 
in those areas. 
The only way to become a successful online entreprenuer is to learn by doing. You have to execute. All of the plans in the world fall flat without action. The road to failure is paved with good intentions but lacks correct action and due diligence. Time is a major determinant in the success of any venture so you have to be realistic about the time you expect to see success. Then you have to define what success means to you. Success for one is mediocrity for another. 
Of course, you have to possess all of the characteristics of an entrepreneur and you must have an insatiable desire for knowledge. Knowledge is power when it is applied correctly. Without application, it's just information and of no real benefit. So you just don't have to read a lot but apply that knowledge to your business. Just do a google search for the 10 best selling books on entrepreneurship and then set yourself a time line to read those books. Take notes while you read and apply what you learn as you go. 
Finally, the quickest way to become successful in anything is to find someone who you consider successful and learn from them. Surround yourself with many mentors so to speak. Learn from the trial and error of others and capitalize on their success. That's what the richest people in the world do and it's a good practice to follow. Never stop growing, learning and doing. Enjoy the journey and appreciate every step along the way toward your ultimate success. Learning from your failures is just as important as celebrating your success. 

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