Sunday 3 January 2016

mode of communication for goods and services

The 'best' place to advertise SFI as far as I am concerned are where ever there is advertising opportunities. This can be online or offline, it could be formal advertising or in general conversation & association with friends and acquaintances. For online advertising - the best way to find advertising places is simply do your research. You can experiment with the different types of online advertising and with different websites. Regarding websites, you will come across sites that are 'full' of affiliate advertising. Why is that? Its probably because the site is affiliate friendly and/or the site gets results. I would suggest you place your ads there. Fish where the fish are biting. Having said this, you need to have a look at the rating of the sites as well. Who is going there. If hardly anyone goes there, you may well be wasting your time and/or money advertising there. Social sites such as FaceBook etc get great exposure but be careful that you do not breach any of their rules or your will be blocked or banned. FaceBook seems to be the most aggressive in this regard. By the way, free advertising does work. Sure, paid advertising works faster but if funding your advertising is a problem, why not use free advertising as well. There are hundreds of these free advertising sites online. The results from free advertising is slow and more work on your part is needed but it works. For offline advertising - I would suggest the following: - Local newspapers. Cultivate your image here with local promotions such as supporting children 's sporting teams - getting their picture with SFI in the paper - write an article about SFI - - Print and distribute flyers. You can delivers this to homes, distribute them as schools, waiting rooms etc.. - Home promotions - You can have calender's, fridge magnets, pens, cups etc.. decked out with SFI logo and your website address etc.. Anything that would constantly put SFI directly in front of them. Advertise SFI whenever and where ever possible. 

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