Saturday, 30 January 2016
Jesus and God
Have you ever met a man who is the center of attention wherever he goes? Some mysterious, indefinable characteristic sets him apart from all other men. Well, that’s the way it was two thousand years ago with Jesus Christ. But it wasn’t merely Jesus’ personality that captivated those who heard him. Those who witnessed his words and life tell us that something about Jesus of Nazareth was different from all other men.
What's the best way to learn how to become a successful online entrepreneur?
1.The first and foremost requirement to be a successful online entrepreneur is to have a very strong presence online the World Wide Web. That requires us to have a Website/Domain on the Internet to promote our business online.
2. In addition to a Website, we need to have few blogs pertaining to adverisements of SFI, TripleClicks item, Eager Zebra Games, ECA Store etc. We need to advertise out gateways on social media like Facebook, Twitter, Linkein, MySpace etc.
3. To become a good and successful online entrepreneur, one must educate oneself by studying not only instructions and training articles given in SFI but also by reading various e-books and other articles concerning online business.
4. We need to take part in various Forums and read business related books and articles by famous Internet Business Entrepreneurs like George Little, Brian Tracy, Jeff Taylor, Tim Seidler, Dom Wells, Steve Rendell, Stuart Walker, Tung Tran, Alistair Gill and Melanie Duncan. By following these famous Internet Business personalities, we can to some extent become successful online entrepreneurs.
5. Additionally, we need to have very good communication skill as we know that "Communication is Huge" and is necessary for all team leaders to convey oneself and in order to market one's product successfully online/offline.
There’s a term in business called “T-Shaped” skills. It means to be an expert
in a single field, while having a broad knowledge of several other disciplines.
What skills do you need to be successful online entrepreneur?
To begin, you need only a solid work ethic and persistence.
Over time, if you want to succeed, you will need to develop some skills:
1. Problem-Solving & Decision-Making Skills
Affiliate marketing means you’re constantly solving problems.
You’re going to face issues and problems that no one else can help you with.
Decision-making is just as important. Most people rely on their gut feelings
to make decisions. Learn strategies to make better decisions. Consult with experts,
consider all the options, and make rational decisions instead of impulsive ones.
2. Creativity & Marketing Skills
Being a good marketer is necessary in this business.
First-mover advantage is huge in the affiliate marketing space,
and in order to capitalize on it, you have to be creative.
You also have to learn how to write compelling ads & good landing page copy.
Our business is to sell and to make people take action.
Your potential customer is surfing Facebook just for fun, so you have to be
mighty convincing if you want him to pull out his credit card and pay $50
for your product. To improve your marketing you should start by
understanding the psychology behind what makes humans buy.
What are their motivations? What words trigger them to buy?
Study copywriting and observe other marketers.
3. Technical Skills
Being an affiliate marketer require some basic technical knowledge.
You need to learn how to build landing pages, set up your tracker,
and deal with various issues that come up.
This is the minimum of technical knowledge you will need.
4. People Skills
Developing social and communication skills is a big help.
Good relationships can credit you with a lot of success.
Some affiliates can be your eyes and ears for what’s really hot.
Mastermind and create joint ventures with others.
Some of the aspects of affiliate marketing is hard to figure out if you don't
communicate with others. Have people at traffic sources who'll give you
information that no one else has.
Treat others the way you want to be treated. Don’t let your ego get in the way
of forming genuine connections just because you’re doing well.
5. Data Analysis Skills
Affiliate marketing is all about buying traffic. Those clicks tell a story.
The conversions show you the types of people who like your product.
Does a certain ad convert better? Are you profitable only during certain
times of the day? These are the clues you use to optimize your campaign.
Nowadays we have so many tools to help us.
Make decisions based on data, not emotions.
6. Money Management Skills
Managing your money is essential in affiliate marketing because your cash flow
is the lifeblood of your campaigns. Start by being realistic about how much
you make. Making few thousand Dollars in profit is one thing, but it’s much less
when you account for business expenses, shipping costs, taxes
and future failed campaigns.
Watch your bank accounts like a hawk. Make sure you cancel services you’re
not using. If you have money deposited at traffic sources you’re not using
anymore, ask them for a refund. Live below your means. You are probably
tired of hearing this, but the reason why it’s repeated all the time is because
it’s true. Too many people disappear from the industry because they were
living a lifestyle they couldn’t afford. Use your money to make more money.
7. Productivity Skills
We are all obsessed with productivity. We all have the same 24 hours in a day
but some people get much more out of them than others do.
Some affiliate marketers are realizing only 10% of their potential because
they can’t get motivated or focused. If that sound like you, then this is a skill
you have to improve.
8. Leadership Skills
Sooner or later, you’ll realize that you need to start building a team.
It’s not easy, and it’s a skill you have to develop. You have to delegate tasks,
train your working affiliates, keep them motivated, and deal with whatever
issues they have.
If those seems like too many skills to learn, the good news is that you don’t have
to be an expert in all of them to succeed. Some are less important than others,
and some can be outsourced.
If you’re a beginner, it’s important not to be overconfident just because
you have pre-existing skills. It is an advantage but just because you have
those skills doesn’t mean you’re going to make a lot of money.
There are other important skills you have to develop to ensure your success.
No one is born knowing how to be an affiliate marketer. If you are missing
some key skills listed above, then develop an action plan to improve
in those areas.
The only way to become a successful online entreprenuer is to learn by doing. You have to execute. All of the plans in the world fall flat without action. The road to failure is paved with good intentions but lacks correct action and due diligence. Time is a major determinant in the success of any venture so you have to be realistic about the time you expect to see success. Then you have to define what success means to you. Success for one is mediocrity for another.
Of course, you have to possess all of the characteristics of an entrepreneur and you must have an insatiable desire for knowledge. Knowledge is power when it is applied correctly. Without application, it's just information and of no real benefit. So you just don't have to read a lot but apply that knowledge to your business. Just do a google search for the 10 best selling books on entrepreneurship and then set yourself a time line to read those books. Take notes while you read and apply what you learn as you go.
Finally, the quickest way to become successful in anything is to find someone who you consider successful and learn from them. Surround yourself with many mentors so to speak. Learn from the trial and error of others and capitalize on their success. That's what the richest people in the world do and it's a good practice to follow. Never stop growing, learning and doing. Enjoy the journey and appreciate every step along the way toward your ultimate success. Learning from your failures is just as important as celebrating your success.
Friday, 29 January 2016
Our Rewards in Heaven
Most people don’t understand the Bible’s view of eternity. They understand that there is a physical world, the one in which we live and age and finally die. And they realize there is the eternal world that follows, bound by heaven and hell, but not physical locations or the passing of time. They see it as a “someday” place, something not really real until we get there.
Yes, there really is a physical heaven, where God is and where we will see him. Paul says that “for now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known” (1 Corinthians 13:12). So we know that heaven will be wonderful, and there will be no more mysteries.
However, it’s important to understand that eternal reality isn’t confined to being a someday thing. It is also a now thing. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians speaks of the “heavenly realms.” He means the eternal reality, the true nature of things that our human eyes cannot see.
Here are some key facts, as revealed in that letter:
Our spiritual blessings are in the heavenly realms. (Ephesians 1:3)
Christ rules there. (Ephesians 1:20)
God has raised believers to sit beside Christ there. (Ephesians 2:6)
The work of the church occurs there. (Ephesians 3:10)
There are dark forces at work there, too—spiritual warfare. (Ephesians 6:12)
While Ephesians gives us the most detailed information on this subject, virtually every page of the New Testament echoes the wisdom that what we do here is bound up in eternity. Eternity is real; eternity is now; and what we do here makes a difference there.
This world is not all there is; what we see before us is genuine and it’s very important, but it’s not the ultimate reality! It’s not even the lasting reality. All that we see will pass away, but we happen to be eternal creatures; heaven is our true destiny.
When we do things for the kingdom, which is invisible, our reward is in heaven. The real blessings, the real rewards, are not of this world. They are eternal; they are invisible. You might ask, “Well, why would I want to do anything for invisible rewards? Isn’t that like being paid in imaginary money?” I would turn the question back in your direction—why do anything for rewards that are fleeting?
The things we do for God and his kingdom are everlasting. You’ve probably heard the phrase that “integrity is who you are when no one’s looking.” The fact is that there is never such a time. God is always looking. When you do some act of evil, and you think it has gone unnoticed, it has not. When you quietly commit an act of kindness, or make an anonymous donation, it’s not anonymous to God.
God is in a position to see everything that is done. Therefore we must stop living for the opinions of others, and begin living for the opinion of heaven, where the heart is known for what truly lies inside it.
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Yes, there really is a physical heaven, where God is and where we will see him. Paul says that “for now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known” (1 Corinthians 13:12). So we know that heaven will be wonderful, and there will be no more mysteries.
However, it’s important to understand that eternal reality isn’t confined to being a someday thing. It is also a now thing. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians speaks of the “heavenly realms.” He means the eternal reality, the true nature of things that our human eyes cannot see.
Here are some key facts, as revealed in that letter:
Our spiritual blessings are in the heavenly realms. (Ephesians 1:3)
Christ rules there. (Ephesians 1:20)
God has raised believers to sit beside Christ there. (Ephesians 2:6)
The work of the church occurs there. (Ephesians 3:10)
There are dark forces at work there, too—spiritual warfare. (Ephesians 6:12)
While Ephesians gives us the most detailed information on this subject, virtually every page of the New Testament echoes the wisdom that what we do here is bound up in eternity. Eternity is real; eternity is now; and what we do here makes a difference there.
This world is not all there is; what we see before us is genuine and it’s very important, but it’s not the ultimate reality! It’s not even the lasting reality. All that we see will pass away, but we happen to be eternal creatures; heaven is our true destiny.
When we do things for the kingdom, which is invisible, our reward is in heaven. The real blessings, the real rewards, are not of this world. They are eternal; they are invisible. You might ask, “Well, why would I want to do anything for invisible rewards? Isn’t that like being paid in imaginary money?” I would turn the question back in your direction—why do anything for rewards that are fleeting?
The things we do for God and his kingdom are everlasting. You’ve probably heard the phrase that “integrity is who you are when no one’s looking.” The fact is that there is never such a time. God is always looking. When you do some act of evil, and you think it has gone unnoticed, it has not. When you quietly commit an act of kindness, or make an anonymous donation, it’s not anonymous to God.
God is in a position to see everything that is done. Therefore we must stop living for the opinions of others, and begin living for the opinion of heaven, where the heart is known for what truly lies inside it.
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Wednesday, 27 January 2016
How to Develop a Vision of Life
Scripture: Proverbs 29:18, KJV 1900 and Psalm 90:12, NIV
“Where there is no vision, the people perish: But he that keepeth the law, happy is he.” (Proverbs 29:18, KJV 1900)
“Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” (Psalm 90:12, NIV)
In KingdomNomics, we emphasize the wisdom of converting the perishable time, talent and treasure of this world into the imperishable values of the real world to come: eternity.
In Psalm 90:12, we are taught to number our days in order to gain a heart of wisdom. The time will come when we will turn in the temporary body we are “leasing” during our life on earth. We do not have unlimited time to make decisions.
How many people do you know who have no purpose? Failure to develop a personal vision of life will result in a disaster from an eternal standpoint. Proverbs 29:18 says that people without a proper vision of life perish.
There is one appointment none of us will miss. That is the time when we must give an accounting of our life to our Maker:
“For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil.” (Ecclesiastes 12:14, NIV)
“Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.” (Hebrews 4:13, NIV)
This is a sobering fact to contemplate.
Fortunately, for the Christian, our sin is judged at the cross. When we become aware of an attitude, thought, or action we commit that is contrary to the will of God, we want to confess it and repent of it, so we can continue to enjoy communion with the Holy Spirit.
“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9, NIV)
Today, ask yourself:
Am I developing an eternal perspective of life? When I become aware of my sins, do I confess and repent?
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“Where there is no vision, the people perish: But he that keepeth the law, happy is he.” (Proverbs 29:18, KJV 1900)
“Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” (Psalm 90:12, NIV)
In KingdomNomics, we emphasize the wisdom of converting the perishable time, talent and treasure of this world into the imperishable values of the real world to come: eternity.
In Psalm 90:12, we are taught to number our days in order to gain a heart of wisdom. The time will come when we will turn in the temporary body we are “leasing” during our life on earth. We do not have unlimited time to make decisions.
How many people do you know who have no purpose? Failure to develop a personal vision of life will result in a disaster from an eternal standpoint. Proverbs 29:18 says that people without a proper vision of life perish.
There is one appointment none of us will miss. That is the time when we must give an accounting of our life to our Maker:
“For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil.” (Ecclesiastes 12:14, NIV)
“Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.” (Hebrews 4:13, NIV)
This is a sobering fact to contemplate.
Fortunately, for the Christian, our sin is judged at the cross. When we become aware of an attitude, thought, or action we commit that is contrary to the will of God, we want to confess it and repent of it, so we can continue to enjoy communion with the Holy Spirit.
“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9, NIV)
Today, ask yourself:
Am I developing an eternal perspective of life? When I become aware of my sins, do I confess and repent?
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The Secret to Finding God’s Favor
Scripture: Proverbs 8:33–35, NIV
“Listen to my instruction and be wise; do not disregard it. Blessed are those who listen to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway. For those who find me find life and receive favor from the Lord.”
People are looking for LIFE and FAVOR or advantages in their circumstances. However, most of the world is looking in the wrong places for these ingredients.
In this incredible passage of Scripture, we learn what it means to find life from God’s perspective, and how to experience the promise of receiving favor from God.
Life and favor are sourced in God alone.
In order to receive God’s favor, we need to have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. We are declared righteous when we trust in Jesus alone for our salvation:
“For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved.” (Romans 10:10, ESV)
“Surely, Lord, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield.” (Psalm 5:12, NIV)
The Psalmist recognizes that his success happened because of God’s favor:
“Lord, when you favored me, you made my royal mountain stand firm; but when you hid your face, I was dismayed.” (Psalm 30:7, NIV)
It was only because of God’s favor that the Hebrew people were able to take possession of the Promised Land:
“For they did not gain possession of the land by their own sword, nor did their own arm save them; but it was Your right hand, Your arm, and the light of Your countenance, because You favored them.” (Psalm 44:3, NKJV)
In practicing the concepts of KingdomNomics, our prayer should be:
“May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us— yes, establish the work of our hands.” (Psalm 90:17, NIV)
This is a tremendous incentive for us to spend time in the Word of God. For it is here we find the instruction and wisdom from above that will help make us the kind of person God can favor.
Do you know God is looking for people he can favor?
“For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to give strong support to those whose heart is blameless toward him…” (2 Chronicles 16:9, ESV)
Today, ask yourself:
Am I allowing the Spirit of God to develop in me a blameless heart that is loyal to God and fully committed to him?
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“Listen to my instruction and be wise; do not disregard it. Blessed are those who listen to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway. For those who find me find life and receive favor from the Lord.”
People are looking for LIFE and FAVOR or advantages in their circumstances. However, most of the world is looking in the wrong places for these ingredients.
In this incredible passage of Scripture, we learn what it means to find life from God’s perspective, and how to experience the promise of receiving favor from God.
Life and favor are sourced in God alone.
In order to receive God’s favor, we need to have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. We are declared righteous when we trust in Jesus alone for our salvation:
“For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved.” (Romans 10:10, ESV)
“Surely, Lord, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield.” (Psalm 5:12, NIV)
The Psalmist recognizes that his success happened because of God’s favor:
“Lord, when you favored me, you made my royal mountain stand firm; but when you hid your face, I was dismayed.” (Psalm 30:7, NIV)
It was only because of God’s favor that the Hebrew people were able to take possession of the Promised Land:
“For they did not gain possession of the land by their own sword, nor did their own arm save them; but it was Your right hand, Your arm, and the light of Your countenance, because You favored them.” (Psalm 44:3, NKJV)
In practicing the concepts of KingdomNomics, our prayer should be:
“May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us— yes, establish the work of our hands.” (Psalm 90:17, NIV)
This is a tremendous incentive for us to spend time in the Word of God. For it is here we find the instruction and wisdom from above that will help make us the kind of person God can favor.
Do you know God is looking for people he can favor?
“For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to give strong support to those whose heart is blameless toward him…” (2 Chronicles 16:9, ESV)
Today, ask yourself:
Am I allowing the Spirit of God to develop in me a blameless heart that is loyal to God and fully committed to him?
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Sunday, 24 January 2016
God’s Favor at Work
Scripture: Daniel 1:9, NIV
“Now God had caused the official
to show favor and compassion to Daniel…”
Daniel is a prime example of the
kind of person God is looking to use. Daniel’s heart was fully committed to
God. He always sought the will of God, and he let his light shine before his
peers without fear. As a result, God used him in mighty ways that will echo
into eternity.
On numerous occasions, God caused
officials and even kings to favor Daniel. God revealed secrets to Daniel.
Because of God’s favor, Daniel was elevated to the highest levels of power,
position, and wealth in the world system of his day. God’s favor rested big
time on Daniel.
There is great opportunity for us
to see the hand of God at work in our lives. He creates in us a God-given,
God-driven desire to please him.
“And it is impossible to please
God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists
and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him.” (Hebrews 11:6,
NLT) What a great promise!
Our relationship with God is an
unfolding of a series of revelations. As we cultivate our relationship with
him, he reveals himself to us.
“Those who accept my
commandments and obey them are the ones who love me. And because they love me,
my Father will love them. And I will love them and reveal myself to each of
them.”(John 14:21, NLT)
It should be the desire of our
heart that God would reveal himself to us to the extent he is willing to do so.
The timing of God working in our
lives is subject to his sovereignty. He is our reward, our inheritance, and our
portion. He promises that he is good to those who depend on him, and who search
for him. In the meantime, we wait patiently for him to act.
“I say to myself, “The Lord is
my inheritance; therefore, I will hope in him!” The Lord is good to those who
depend on him, to those who search for him. So it is good to wait quietly for
salvation from the Lord.” (Lamentations 3:24–26, NLT)
Today, ask yourself:
Is my heart fully committed to
God so he can reveal himself to me and work in my life?
Give Generously
Generously | KingdomNomicsScripture: 1 Chronicles 29:14–16, NIV
“But who am
I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this?
Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your
hand. We are foreigners and strangers in your sight, as were all our ancestors.
Our days on earth are like a shadow, without hope. Lord our God, all this
abundance that we have provided for building you a temple for your Holy Name
comes from your hand, and all of it belongs to you.”
We can take
to heart the remarks King David made as he neared the end of his life. David
summarizes exactly what our situation is, and the perspective we should have.
acknowledges that God is the source of all wealth. Everything comes from God,
and any giving we do is returning what has come from his hand.
remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce
wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it
is today.” (Deuteronomy 8:18, NIV)
If we have
monetary wealth, we must remember that God gave us the ability to produce it.
There is nothing for us to be “proud” about.
In God’s
sight we are strangers and foreigners in this world. David reminds us of this
truth, telling us our citizenship is in heaven. Furthermore, he reminds us that
our earthly life is like a shadow. Our time bubble can pop at any time, landing
us in eternity, a totally different paradigm with values foreign to the world
we now inhabit.
reiterates the truth that everything comes from God and belongs to God. This is
a difficult concept; many people believe that everything they have belongs to
them, and they can do anything they want with it.
Wise people
conclude that King David’s words in today’s scripture passage are still true
today. We come to the King with a willing mind, generously helping to build the
body of Christ by extending others the opportunity to begin a personal
relationship with him.
Today, ask
In what
ways does my view of giving parallel that of King David?
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Saturday, 23 January 2016
How to Develop a Vision of Life
there is no vision, the people perish: But he that keepeth the law, happy is
he.” (Proverbs 29:18, KJV 1900)
“Teach us
to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” (Psalm 90:12, NIV)
KingdomNomics, we emphasize the wisdom of converting the perishable time,
talent and treasure of this world into the imperishable values of the real
world to come: eternity.
In Psalm
90:12, we are taught to number our days in order to gain a heart of wisdom. The
time will come when we will turn in the temporary body we are “leasing” during
our life on earth. We do not have unlimited time to make decisions.
How many
people do you know who have no purpose? Failure to develop a personal vision of
life will result in a disaster from an eternal standpoint. Proverbs 29:18 says
that people without a proper vision of life perish.
There is
one appointment none of us will miss. That is the time when we must give an
accounting of our life to our Maker:
“For God
will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it
is good or evil.” (Ecclesiastes 12:14, NIV)
“Nothing in
all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare
before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.” (Hebrews 4:13, NIV)
This is a
sobering fact to contemplate.
for the Christian, our sin is judged at the cross. When we become aware of an
attitude, thought, or action we commit that is contrary to the will of God, we
want to confess it and repent of it, so we can continue to enjoy communion with
the Holy Spirit.
“If we
confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and
purify us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9, NIV)
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Thursday, 21 January 2016
The Loaf of Time
significant is what you do today?
I think of
daily time like daily bread. Each one of us has a “loaf” of time, if you will.
Each day consumes one slice, and the loaf becomes smaller as time passes. We
eventually realize this, to our dismay, and it becomes so very important to use
our given time wisely—to make our lives count for something meaningful.
“What we do in
life echoes in eternity!”
That’s what
KingdomNomics is all about: knowing and experiencing the benefits of joyfully
trading earthly, temporary gratification for something that will last forever.
The movie
Gladiator opens with a scene in which the Roman General Maximus is getting his
troops excited before they go into battle against barbarians in Germany. He
rides his horse back and forth at the head of the line, and he shouts so that
all his troops can hear him, “What we do in life echoes in eternity!”
This statement
is true on every battlefield, whether in a deep forest with the Roman army or
in the ordinary decisions you make in the course of each day. What happens here
has eternal repercussions.
We must choose
where we invest ourselves.
There are so
many implications to what that means for you and me. However, for now, let’s
focus on the fact that when we realize the truth of these things, we know we
must choose where we invest ourselves. Every day is filled with choices. And
it’s not just about the decisions you make, but why you make them.
As a result,
we must live each day asking ourselves, “What if today were my last day? How
would I want to spend it? What would my kingdom investment portfolio look
like?” We can’t afford to take our eyes off the Lord and his Word. And we can’t
afford to delay in acting upon our convictions.
Are you
focusing your time, talent, and treasure on what matters to God?
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Wednesday, 6 January 2016
How to Hide/Show Widget on Mobile in Blogger

If you have ever tried to access your blog from a mobile device then you might familiar with blogger provides a mobile responsive template which is greatly responsive. However, it doesn't creates a great impact towards design. There are certain widgets which do not look good on mobile view whereas they look appealing on big screens so that in that situation you can simply hide those from your blog only for mobile view or you can show some specific widgets only for mobile view not for big screens. Today, in this article, we will show you how to hide/show widget on mobile in blogger.
Also Read:
How to Enable a Responsive Mobile Template in Blogger
How To Add Google Adsense on Your Mobile Website
How to Hide/Show Blogger Widget on Mobile View
So here are the steps you need to follow in order hide or show blogger specific widgets on mobile view and customize your blog for different screens
How to Find Widget ID in Blogger?
In case your blog is not showing any of your widget on mobile view, follow the instructions that we have mentioned below:Go to Blogger >> Template >> Layout. Now click on Edit button of widget which you want to show on your blogger template.
Now you need to look for Widget ID which would be in the URL of your selected widget. In the URL look for widgetId it would be towards the end of the URL. If you cannot find the Widget ID then simply Copy the title of the widget and if there is no title then give a title for time being, just for the sake of search.

Show Blogger Widget on Mobile View
Go to Template >> Edit HTML >> Search for widget coding using Widget ID which you’ve copied in above step or widget title. (Quick Tip: You can use "Jump to widget" option available in template editor to get to the code of any widget that you like).This will straight take you to the widget coding, now add mobile=’yes’ in the widget code just after the locked=’false’. Refer the below screenshot to add it correctly.

Hide Blogger Widget for Mobile View
Go to Template >> Edit HTML >> Search for widget coding using Widget ID which you’ve copied in above step or widget title.This will lead you to the the widget coding, now add mobile=’no’ in the widget code just after the locked=’false’. Refer the below screenshot to add it correctly.

We hope this article helped you in learning how to show or hide widget on mobile in blogger. If you have any queries or confusion left related to this article then lend your queries in the comment box. Any of our team members will assist you in solving them.
How to Remove Locked Widget in Blogger

If you have ever tried a blogger template that is developed by a third-party developers like templateism, then most probably you might have encounter a kind of locked widget in the blog’s layout section are which cannot be removed. As remove button is missing because the widget is set to locked which makes it not removable. You might have tried hard to get rid of such widget, but couldn’t succeed. Today in this article, we will show you, how to remove locked widgets in blogger.
How to Remove Locked Widget in Blogger
The very first thing you need to do is to find out the unique Widget ID of the widget you would like to remove, so go Blogger >> Layout >> Open the Widget which you want to remove.Now a window will appear, in the address bar look for widgetid=. It would be towards the end of your widget address. For your help we have attached a screenshot below:

After finding the widgetid copy it in a notepad for further usage in the tutorial.
Now go to Template >> Edit HTML >> Jump to Widget and then select the ID of your widget (which you’ve coped in above step).

After that it will take you to the coding of your widget,then you need to make little changes in the coding of your widget as give below. To make it more straightforward, change Locked=’false’ to true. Refer the below screenshot for more clarity.

Now click on Save Template.
Now go to Layout and again open the locked widget, And you will be able to see the Remove button on the widget. Simply click on Remove button to remove the widget.
You are done!
This was our tutorial to make you guys aware with the process of removing locked widget. We are hopeful that it would have been proven helpful for you guys. If you have any queries left related to this issue then lend your queries in comment box. Any of our team members will address your queries.
How to Fix hatom Structured Data Errors in Blogger

Are you experiencing hatom structured data errors in your Google Webmaster tools? I am sure most of you must be and wondering if these errors could be bad for you. These errors may not haunt your blog performance but for a healthy site one would certainly not like these errors to stay in the Google webmaster tools. Today in this article, we will show you how to fix hatom structured data errors in blogger.
What are Structured Data and its hatom errors?
Structured Data information is the structure of your blog and blog post that how they are structured in the search engines. It is the feature of Google Webmaster Tools which mainly deals with the structure of your blog and blog post.And, the hatom error occurs when webmaster tools finds any kind of errors in structuring your blog posts and pages. Keeping the errors unfixed can affect your site optimization at some extent. Therefore, you must go for the fixes.
Common Encountered Errors of Structured Data
Before, moving towards the fixes let us list all the common errors which may encounter in your structured data. We have added the fixes for each error.- Warning: Missing required field “entry-title”
- Warning: Missing required field “updated”
- Warning: Missing required hCard “author”
How to Fix hatom Structured Data Errors
After discussing much about structured data errors, we are taking you right towards the guide which we have created for your convenience.Fix Missing required field “entry-title” Error
First of all, we are going to fix entry title error. This error occurs due to not optimized blogger custom templates. And, in order to fix these errors on your webmaster tools account you need to follow the steps mentioned below:1. Go to Blogger >> Template >> Edit HTML >> and search for the following code:
<b:if cond='data:post.title'>
<h2 class='post-title'>
<b:if cond='data:post.title'>
<h3 class='post-title'>
2. After finding any of the above code, replace it with the code mentioned below:
<b:if cond='data:post.title'>
<h2 class='post-title entry-title’>
3. In last, Save your blogger Template.
Fix Missing required field “updated” Error
Now, we are going to fix Updated error. This error takes place when Google could not find updated time of your blog or blog post and for optimization Google must know about your updating time. If you are receiving this error then follow the steps mentioned below:1. Go to Blogger >> Template >> Edit HTML >> and search for the following code:
2. Ones you found the above code then replace it with the one below:
<span class='updated'><data:post.timestamp/></span>
3. After replacing, Save your blogger Template.
Fix Warning: Missing required hCard “author” error
This is the last fix which we are including here in this article which is about fixing hCard error. You need to follow the steps mentioned below:1. Go to Blogger >> Template >> Edit HTML >> and search for the following code:
<span class='post-author vcard' >
<b:if cond='data:top.showAuthor'>
<b:if cond='data:post.authorProfileUrl'>
<span class='fn'>
<a expr:href='data:post.authorProfileUrl' rel='author' title='author profile'>
<span class='fn'><></span>
2. Ones you found it simply replace the complete code with the below one.
<span class='post-author vcard' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''>
<b:if cond='data:top.showAuthor'>
<b:if cond='data:post.authorProfileUrl'>
<span class='fn author'>
<a expr:href='data:post.authorProfileUrl' rel='author' title='author profile'>
<span itemprop='name'><></span>
<span class='fn author'><span itemprop='name'><></span></span>
3. After that, Save your blogger template.
How to Check Errors are Fixed or Not?
If you are not certain that your errors are fixed or not then simply you need to follow these steps and you will come to know about structured data status instantly.
First of all, go to Structured Data Testing Tool. Now enter the URL of your blog in fetch URL.

If it gives the status like below image that means your errors are fixed, if not then that means you’ve made somewhere a mistake.

Now we are sure that all these errors are fixed. If you are facing any problem while applying these steps, then drop your query in the comment box. Any of our team members will get back to your query as soon as possible.
Was it helpful? If it was then don’t forget to share this article with other bloggers too. You may never know that your share may be proven helpful for many of the users out there.
How to Add Blogger New Featured Post Gadget in Sidebar

Being a Blogger it is important to keep your readers busy by updating your website on frequent basis. The more you post, the more rapidly your posts goes down dead into the archives which makes it difficult for users to find your all published posts. Thankfully, Blogger’s new Featured Post widget makes it easier to showcase any posts that you want your users to see. You can choose any of your previous publish posts and can highlight it anywhere on your blog. Today in this article, we will show you How to Add Blogger New Featured Post Gadget in Sidebar.
Whether you are re-sharing a amazing story you wrote few years back, you want to put maximum attention on a promotion you are running or you want to revive various posts from the achieve, the Feature Post gadget is a best way to showcase the content that matters the most.
The tool provides you a plenty of user friendly options to select a specific posts. You can either search the title of the post or you can browse through different labels (categories) to find a post that matters the most.
The gadget also offers a small preview of how the post will appear on your blog. You can choose to hide the image or title of the post or even both.
Once you have selected a post and you thinks it is best fit, press Save button.
Though, Featured posts in blogger is not a new thing for blogger custom template users but this addition to blogger adds a hope that blogger be bringing some good changes to this platform in future. If you like this article, feel free to share it with your friends on Google, Facebook or Twitter.
Whether you are re-sharing a amazing story you wrote few years back, you want to put maximum attention on a promotion you are running or you want to revive various posts from the achieve, the Feature Post gadget is a best way to showcase the content that matters the most.
How to add featured Post Gadget in Blogger:
To add Featured Post Tool go to Blogger >> Layout >> Add a Gadget >> and select “Featured Post”.The tool provides you a plenty of user friendly options to select a specific posts. You can either search the title of the post or you can browse through different labels (categories) to find a post that matters the most.
The gadget also offers a small preview of how the post will appear on your blog. You can choose to hide the image or title of the post or even both.

Though, Featured posts in blogger is not a new thing for blogger custom template users but this addition to blogger adds a hope that blogger be bringing some good changes to this platform in future. If you like this article, feel free to share it with your friends on Google, Facebook or Twitter.
How to Install Statcounter in Blogger to Track User Activity

In the past, we have shown you how to install Google Analytics in blogger to track important information about your users. However, sometimes you need even further information about who uses your website. Therefore, you need more tools to help you provide you the right information that matters the most. Statcounter is the right tool which does the job quite nicely and more importantly it is FREE. Today in this article, we will show you how to install StatCounter in Blogger to track user activity.
What is StatCounter?
StatCounter is a Free online monitoring software that provides essential information about who visits your website. It keeps track of popular pages, download activity, download counts, recent visitor activity, exit links, keyword analysis and a bundle more things that matters.
You can even discover the IP Address of the visitors visiting your blog which is not possible with Google Analytics. Later on your can use the block the user using IP Address in blogger.
How to Install StatCounter in Blogger
So to get started go to and register for a new account. Registering an account is simple, enter your email, password, full name and other information. Once you’re done creating and setting up your account details click on “Create Account”, move to the next step.After signing up, add a project to your account, insert project URL (your website link to track), project title, country and Timezone. You have some optional features as well, you can choose whether to display a stat counter to your visitors or do invisible tracking without displaying any counter button. Once you are done with writing details, press "Add Project" button.

Now from list of multiply platform select "Blogger" if you are not using blogger you can choose any other listed platform. After selecting Blogger you will get a tracking code which you need to insert in the template codes of your blog.

Go to Blogger >> Template >> Edit HTML >> search for </body> and just above it paste your code you copied in the previous step.

After installing the code on your blogger site, go back to, To be able to see reports correctly, you need to verify if your code was installed correctly and to do so click on "Check installation" as you can see in the screenshot below.

If you have installed the code correctly onto your website, you will see the message as it is shown in the screenshot below. After verification your website is ready to track all the essential information that you need to know about your user.

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