Search is a huge business and it’s only growing.
With 3.5 billion searches a day, that’s 3.5 billion times people are searching for an answer to a problem, and 3.5 billion times that your company can get front and center to offer a solution.
If you and your team aren’t already sold on search marketing, here’s a couple of statistics to get you fired up:
Unfortunately, not all of us can get on that coveted first page organically, and that’s why it’s important to get acquainted with some of the paid search tools like AdWords.
If you're just getting started or are thinking about running a campaign, AdWords can be a little overwhelming. Partially because AdWords itself is huge, and every misstep often means wasted ad dollars and a lower ROI.
That's why we’ve tracked down the 10 biggest names in AdWords to shed some light on the biggest mistakes beginners make to help you get started.
Follow these tips to catapult yourself from an AdWords Freshman to an AdWords Ninja in no time.
Without further adieu, the question that we asked our experts was “what is the most critical mistake you see beginners making with AdWords today?”