Tuesday 9 February 2016

team work in business in social media

How can I train my team, on social media, to promote my business? This would mean you're asking how you can use social media to train your team on the best ways to promote your products .

* YouTube is probably among THE best social media platforms to utilise for training. Of any type. In fact there are literally thousands and thousands of training and How To videos on YouTube all aimed at training someone, somewhere, to do something. Many of our top team leaders here in the business  have made training videos for their teams that can be found on YouTube. You should be able to find some of these that are aimed at teaching people how to market products . Alternatively, and your best option, is to make a video or slide show teaching your team about the marketing methods that have worked best for you. Offer practical tips and advice in point form if using a slide show or show them through 'an over the shoulder view' style video the steps you go through to market products .

* Set up a group on Facebook for your team to provide training tips and advice about marketing SFI and invite your team to join. Tell them where to find the training within SFI itself on how to market SFI and TC successfully (be aware though that providing the direct links may not work). Point them to your training videos on YouTube

* You can set up a group on LinkedIn to do the same thing as a FaceBook group and invite your team members to join the group. There you'd do the same as per the FB group - share tips and advice

* There is a social media world beyond the big guns Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and LinkedIn so go searching for them. There are several that offer a platform where you can set up groups - Ning http://www.ning.com, SocialGO http://www.socialgo.com/ and Grou.ps http://grou.ps are three of them.

Those are just a few of the ways you can utilise social media to train your team on how to promote SFI and TC.

The second interpretation of your questions is - How can I train my team about using social media to promote products ? Meaning that you're asking how you can train your team to successfully use the various social media platforms for promoting purposes. Let me just say here at the outset that most social media platforms are not designed for people to use for marketing purposes. They're designed to help people connect on a social level so this is the first thing you need to teach your team - do NOT spam social media with advertising and promotional links because it's the quickest way to get yourself banned from that platform.

* Again, head to YouTube to find some videos that provide tips and advice on marketing in general - this query for example used within YouTube "training to use social media for promoting" will net you almost 200,000 results including such gems as "Social Media Marketing in 3 minutes", **** "How NOT To Use Social Media To Promote Your Network Marketing Business" ****, "Social media marketing plan training & tutorial with top social media marketing strategies
Start & Grow Your Business", "How to automate your social media sharing & blog promotion using Edgar", "The New Entrepreneur: Using Social Media to Build Your Business", "How To Use Social Media For Event Promotion - Case Study", "How To Promote My Blog Using Social Media To Increase Traffic, Leads And Sales" etc.

These types of generic videos will provide some excellent material to start your team off with a good grounding in how to use social media platforms successfully to promote SFI and TC. You can share the links to them in your weekly newsletter to your team.

* Make your own video or slide show and show your team how you successfully use social media to promote SFI. Note though that the key word here is 'successful'.

* Create a Facebook group as per the suggestion above and provide tips, advice and links to videos and other sites that provide this type of training.

* Suggest they join LinkedIn and join groups on there aimed at providing tips and advice about successfully using social media for marketing purposes.

* Look for other platforms that provide free social media education courses - Hootsuite for instance offers one that provides free training in topics like creating content that gets results, creating a Social Media plan that helps you move towards your big goals, growing your online presence and creating a positive brand image, and so on.

* Search for and find helpful tips and tricks on the subject then share them with your team via your stream post, via e-cards and via email or any of the other ways you use to communicate with your team.

* Find online communities and other social platforms devoted to this topic / industry and recommend that your team members join - be aware though that many involved in these forums and communities are out to push their own barrow as much as they're there to contribute. Or join yourself then provide links to tips and advice you find helpful.

* Use our own forum to provide helpful, useful information on the subject and then provide the link to that thread to your team members. Do the same thing when someone else posts helpful information in the forum.

* Join business based social platforms like IBO which have been created specifically for marketing and business professionals. There are a number of them out there and many are very successful from a marketing perspective. They also provide excellent training, networking and even blogging features. Recommend that your team also join, or pass along tips and advice that you've picked up by being a member.

Again, these are just a few of the ways you can provide training for your team on how to promote SFI on social media. There are undoubtedly plenty more so just look around. Be creative, think outside the square and you'll find even more opportunities to use for training your team to successfully promote SFI and TC.

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